The organs are a lil overbearing
They make the rest of the mix hard to hear, including the lyrics, which should probably be the most audible part of any mix, at least imho.
When the guitar came in, I could barely hear it.
Personally, I would have used a piano instead of an organ in order to avoid this problem completely, but it feels like the organ is an integral part of your composition, so I just recommend that you turn the volume of the organ down.
The mixing isn't all that great on this song. But the chords and the melodies are all pretty good.
Sorry for the score, I really am, cuz I hate to give out scores lower than 7 cuz I know how much it hurts to recieve stuff like that, but I can only give this a 6.8 at the most when everything is wrapped together.
However, I will say that the emotion of this track is unique, that's pretty awesome if I say so myself.
Also, kudos for a 7 minute composition. I'd imagine that took ages to do. And the lyrics are pretty good too, Deanna has a nice voice.