Nice dude, very creative synths
Wow, this is pretty hard to review. I think it's been too long since I've sat down and reviewed something outside of my usual genres.
Synths: 10/10. Very creative, especially the effect near :28, which served as an excellent transition into the next section. I will say, I'm quite proud of your kick and hard noise too.
Melody and Harmony: 8/10. In the second half of the song, I can get into the melody, especially since the chord progression at 1:45 is one of my favorite types and the synth melody accompanying it fits perfectly, with the saw wave enhancing it further. I think you could have put a bit more variety in the melody though.
Drums: 10/10. Hard hitting, everything perfectly mixed, just perfect. The cymbals come in at the perfect time, and the snares and hihats
Rhythm: 9/10. I love how you effortlessly switched between 4/4 and 6/4 time twice, although it isn't as clean the first time (more on that in the unity section).
Variety: 7/10. This may be more of my own personal preference influencing this though, since I personally have a hard time repeating a melody more than twice in my songs, so I like as much variety as possible. The beginning is fine, in my view, but the middle sections like :32-57 and 1:45-2:37 could definitely benefit from a bit more variety, especially since 2:10-37 is a repeat of :32-57.
Unity: 8/10. Although the flow between the sections is pretty nice (more on that below), the difference between the section at :32-57 and the section following is a bit too "different", especially since it's in a different time signature.
Flow: 9/10. Excellent transitions between sections throughout, except at the aforementioned :57 point, when the time signature changes and new synths come into play. And even that's not a "bad" transition, even though it could be a bit better. Personally, when doing a transition like that, I'd start leading into it in the last measure before the change-over happens, like introducing one of the synths that's going to play in the next section at that point.
Beginning and Ending: 10/10. In my view, not much needs to be changed about the end. I honestly can't think of a way to improve it, and a voice at the end might actually hurt it. But you could put a soft voice or whispering voice at the end and have the "wind" fade out after it's done talking. Both are pretty much perfect though.
Overall, 9/10 5/5.
1 thing: You still do those piano dnb songs? Those were awesome.
1 more thing: I'd download your album, but I'm currently poor and really don't have anything to contribute more than a few bucks, and I'd like to be able to actually pay you when I do download the album.