It seems like every time I get started on a new song, I either can't finish it because I lose inspiration halfway or I don't finish it because new inspiration comes to me that doesn't fit with that particular song! Hopefully I can finish my newest song, but so far I have abandoned about 5 songs. I've finished songs in between those ones, but only because they took relatively no time to finish at all.
Oh well, I plan to finish my two newest works in progress, Burning Misery and Bloodstained Soil (which will be dubbed The War Zone II when it's finished) by the end of next week hopefully. I doubt it, but hopefully. I just hope I don't get sidetracked with yet another idea.
It's weird, I don't have musician's block, but what's stopping me from accomplishing anything is that I have way too many ideas that I want to work with. For example, right now I want to make a dark song. But before that, I also wanted to make an ambient song, an epic song, a videogame song, a smoker-type song, a trance song, a drumnbass song, and I still want to organize my sample library to the maximum. That's wayyyy too much to do and by the time I even scratch the surface of all these, I'll be an old man.
Dammit! I'll make a forum post about it when MY GODDAMN BAN EXPIRES!!!!